Monday, September 14, 2009

This is your conscience... :p

Dear James. Welcome to your brief glance through the uncertainty of the past two years.

Sometime in '07: James gets accepted into Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- point 1 for God

Sometime in '07: James is able to graduate high school early, and proceeds to work at a coffee shop where he A) earns money to save for NZ and B) learns valuable skills that he will be able to use in any country.
- points 2 and 3 for God

Sometime in '08: James gets accepted into Weir House, without knowing it is the best first year hostel in Wellington and will give him a boost for any subsequent uni accommodation applications. It is also the place where he meets Cody, a great guy friend, hears about The Street, his current church, and finds work over the summer.
- points 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 for God

Sometime in ’08: James passes his first year film papers with stellar marks and is accepted into limited entry courses, some of them 300-level, after only a semester at Uni.
- points 9 and 10 for God

Sometime in '09: James is asked to make a video for the new church building and one for the men's conference. In doing this, he becomes more familiar with the church staff who later ask him to do another video because his first two were so good. He also meets Clay, who will later play an important role.
- points 11, 12, and 13 for God

Sometime in ’09: through a series of events James is put into an amazing single studio apartment with power/water included.
- points 13 – 17 for God

Sometime in ’09: Clay from above asks James to be involved in a film project for a competition. James will get paid for his involvement in the project. James meets a guy who has close connections with Peter Jackson and a cool film location used in LOTR, for which James has permission to use. Now a guy who worked in the film industry in New York for the past 16 years wants to meet James.
- points 18 – 200 for God

…And this is just the big stuff!!!! Clearly, God has quite a lot in store for you.

My love, does it matter so much what God is doing, so long as we know that he is? Perhaps the answer is simpler than you expect: God is guiding you! Amen!


Janella said...

Great post, Alicia!

I want to hear more about the events that God scores 18-200 for!!

Anonymous said...

I scream: I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!! I want to print this off and put it in our prayer journal because YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!!!!!!!! So may I say "AMEN SISTER, AMEN!"

a.matson said...

AMEN!!!! Preach it, sister! I love your insight. I think that I shall print this one off and save it forever and ever...frame it and put it up on his wall. Yes, yes - I think I shall! LOVE YOU (for more than just your insight and great points, by the way)!