Friday, July 24, 2009

Believe it - another post!

What's this? Three posts now? Dayum! I'm on a roll.

These are some photos from Weir House last semester - you can see why being an RA is so much fun!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

More photos!

See, I'm starting to make up for my lack of blogness! Two posts in a week! HA!

The weather here has been absolutely flawless, so we've been trying to take advantage of it by getting outside as often as possible. Over the weekend Laura (one of my RA friends) was out of town and let us borrow her car, since James can drive a manual. So, being the creative and spontanious spirit that he is, he planned a surprise roadtrip for Helen (another RA friend) and I.

*collective 'awwww'*

So all in all it was a day well spent, with good music, good conversation, a good drive for James to enjoy, a good picnic dinner and the most amazing beach in NZ! Well, the most amazing one that we've seen so far...

And, as promised, a documentation of our journey. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Compromise

Hear ye, hear ye, all readers of my blog, (of which there are probably 3 so I dont feel too much pressure to to update all that often, especially when one of the probable 3 blogs about everything I would say anyway)...

In light of my apparent blogging tardiness, I propose a compromise.

Although James may in fact be more timely with his blogs, I propose that I am much more prompt in the sharing of photographs than he has proven to be. Thus I propose that between the two of us, we are able to keep our 3 or so regular readers content with both written and visual accounts of our adventures.

In light of this, I present to you all a link that will reveal a world of visual wonderment and oddity.

Behold! Pictures!

*And thus peace was restored to the land*