Friday, February 6, 2009

Call to Arms

Hello dear readers!

This is a call for help - in the form of advice. :)

As part of my role as an RA at Weir House, I am responsible for organizing and promoting events that encourage global social awareness. I'm thrilled to take on this responsibility, and God has really inspired me and provided me with some wonderful resources to get me started.

As I was flipping through one of my recent purchases (365 Ways to Change the World) I was struck by a section regarding Fistula in Ethiopia. Fistula is "a tearing of the soft tissue between the vagina and the bladder which occurs during a lengthy and complicated childbirth." Fistula leaves women incontinent and in persistent pain. "Over 9000 women and girls in Ethiopia suffer this painful and undignified condition. But exact numbers are impossible to obtain, as women with fistula are often hidden away."

The problem is that many pregnant women live at least two days' walk from the nearest hospital and have no access to obstetric care and/or a skilled attendant to be present at the birth.

The Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia, developed by Dr. Catherine Hamlin, has a Love-A-Sister program that allows women to receive restorative surgery, postoperative care, and classes in health and basic literacy while they recuperate. This is achieved through a $450USD donation.

I feel that the residents at Weir House are in a position to exercise great influence on the University community, and even the greater Wellington community. In order to raise the money, I am thinking of organizing a fundraising event with a "day spa/pampering" theme. Weir House residents can provide guests with facials, massages, manicures and pedicures for a small donation.

I would, however, like to get the guys involved as well. So here is my question to you: What can we offer male guests to attract them to this event and issue? Also, if you have any more ideas on simple spa treatments that we might be able to offer, I welcome any feedback.

Thanks bunches!


a.matson said...

Wow! I'm so proud of you! That is an incredible idea. Although, I"m in the situation as you. I have no idea how to get guys involved. I'll be thinking, though!
Good for you!

a.carney said...

Do you think perhaps I should maybe steer away from the spa idea and focus on something more gender neutral?

Anonymous said...

Well if you do the spa thing I cant think of what guys like except massage, but that could become complicated. Maybe do a chocolate deluxe dessert night, we had a friend that used to do that and made a ton of really good chocolate desserts and people would do a donation to eat dessert then had the option to buy a dessert to take home. She made a ton of money for Alternative Pregnancy Center. You could do a beers of the world tasting party, or chili cook off. I dont know, I know guys like food, food, food.
Good luck!

Janella said...

I think the spa idea is great, at least as far as the women are concerned. I think guys might not like the facials, etc, but massages are definitely gender-neutral. Chair massages are very popular here, you don't even have to undress. Maybe you could take a poll and see if the idea is well-received before proceeding with plans.

I didn't know that these fistulas {there are many types of fistulas - it can happen anywhere in the body between two cavities} were such a common problem, but it makes sense if these women have no skilled birth attendants and are second-rate citizens at best. Isn't it Ethiopia where women have also been subjected to female circumcision? Does the hospital have a website?

a.carney said...

Wow, mommy, that's a fantastic idea! I jumped into the spa idea because of its appeal to women, and I figured women would be more drawn to the issue. But everyone likes food, and its easy to do! Plus, there are so many differen options... I need to remember to keep my options open and not pursue the very first thing that comes to mind. Thanks for the ideas and feedback!

a.carney said...

Yes, Ethiopia is where they have problems with female circumcision. Points to you for global awareness! The website given in the book is - it says they support the hospital and the Love-A-Sister program. Thanks for your comments!